Eccoes – Replays and Testing

I’ve got rudimentary networking working in my game. Two clients can talk to each other directly, exchange messages, and show the movements of the other player. Sort of. The last time I demoed the game, one of the clients dropped a message or something, and was no longer synchronized with the other player. This kind of thing is tricky to test for and tricky to recreate. My current strategy is to open two instances of the game on one computer and manually control them both.

The answer I read about is that I need to build a system that can log player actions and then replay them. That way I can create a set of specific user inputs and replay them in a deterministic way. This is the next feature that I’m working on.

My plan is to create a class that logs all user input in a similar way that player characters log their own actions. This class will use the same clock and history mechanism that the player characters use.

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NPR Morning Edition Bookmarklet

I like to listen to NPR’s Morning Edition. I’d like a podcast, but there isn’t one available. You can listen to it online, but I find it annoying to have to navigate through the home page to get it. I found myself accessing the player by URL and changing the date. I decided to automate it. The bookmarklet code is here:

javascript:d= new Date();location.href=””+(d.getMonth()+1)+”-“+d.getDate()+”-“+d.getFullYear();

Drag the above link to your bookmark bar and then click it to take you today’s Morning Edition.

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Skeleton CSS

I really like the minimalist features of Skeleton. There aren’t a lot of styles and it seems to effortless provide what I want. It still took me a bit of extra time to struggle through the styles because there really wasn’t good documentation. The skeleton.css file is almost self-documenting, but not quite.

The main div for your page has the class of ‘container’. Or rather, the main div that you want to have columns inside of it.

You can put columns inside of columns, but you need to add the class of alpha to the left column and omega to the farthest right column. Those remove the padding and make it possible to fit columns inside of other columns.

A row class is useful for outer divs to make sure that the columns end at the same place, but I ended up using the clearfix class for my rows instead. The only difference is that a row adds space between it and the next set of columns, when I really wanted there to be no space.

I really like how the columns stack for a mobile view, but you still need to think about how to present things on mobile. On the page I’m working on I centered my columns and changed the way the menu is displayed.

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